Be Still
An afternoon pause to knit and think.
An afternoon pause to knit and think.
First Cosner tomato of the season!This is very special as this tomato was grown from true heirloom seeds!True meaning they were sent from Paul's great-aunt [...]
My favorite social media is, by far, Instagram.For the past five years I have taken a photo a day on my phone. I love to [...]
Meet Ruby. Ruby is our silly rogue hen, she simply cannot be contained. She hops all the fences and we gave up returning her [...]
We love summer.Love love love.Here are some recent shots of life around here lately~~~~~~~~Paul has been working with the hives. We had a swarm move into [...]
This past weekend was a sad, sad time for our family. Our Xena quietly passed on to doggie heaven. She was 8 1/2 years old and died from [...]
We have this huge ant hill in our forest.I think it is fabulous.I took a photo with Paul in it to show the size. I also [...]
Summer is my favorite time of year. The weather, the flowers, the garden, and family visits. My favorite flowers so far this year are my neon-coral [...]
Yesterday was a special, odd, goosebumpy kind of day. A normal day, routine, running, chores, meals....But I received some really profound, meaningful and relevant gifts. All in [...]
The Peace of Wild ThingsBY WENDELL BERRYWhen despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what [...]