My favorite social media is, by far, Instagram.
For the past five years I have taken a photo a day on my phone.
I love to capture something from each day to help spark memories…
it seemed like life was zipping by so very fast, and it made me sad to not remember those small things in my life that I appreciate so very much. I joined instagram last spring and it makes it so much easier to share those memories with those I love.
You can follow/view our photos via instagram here: Reenie’s Instagram
OR in our flickr album here: Reenie’s Flickr Album
Here are some photos from this past week~
It’s green bean season!
Ann was a machine, doing most of the work to put 20#+ into the freezer!
The beans stuck to Paul’s shirt like a felt board (remember those?)
Quilt love.
My mom gave me a quilt made by my great-great gram and her daughter,
my great-great aunt Ruby! Dated 1910.
The fabric designs are beyond words… and over 100 years old, yet still so relevant.
New knitting project… a sweater for Ann.
The color is edible. Miss Babs Yowza in bright pink with orangey undertones.
The grass is so dry lately, we have been letting the turkey farts out of their area to range and graze.
One drawback? They love the front porch, and they love looking in the door at us (AND pooing all over the porch!) Eve captured this shot of Precious talking with the turkeys. You can see the hens lining up to go to bed in the background.
I have been in the midst of a hat making obsession this past week. Planning on a holiday craft/art show this season, but mostly just working ideas out of my brain. Sometimes they back up and start making me crazy (crazier?). Some are pattern ideas I am marinating, some are just because I love the yarn so much and need to feel it work through my fingers… All are toddler/kid sized hats.
The girls had a sleepover with friends and they set the tent up to camp out in the orchard.
One night past the full blue moon. I love this time of year, when summer is still hanging on, yet you can feel the crunchiness of fall sneaking in.
See the tent?
Coming down the lane, this is the view of the orchard and pond.
The pond is beyond the apple trees.
Paul had xrays taken for a back issue (which is healing nicely).
I asked for the films. I LOVE X-rays and scans.
The human body is so amazing.
This is my handsome man.
Yesterday we had another bat visitor upstairs.
He was napping quietly above the doorway.
He was a hissy little dude.
The girls caught him in a container and put him outside.
At the same time they were catching the bat, my friend was texting me to tell me she caught a feral cat at her house, do we want to give him a home?
We have been waiting for a barn cat to find us.
Meet Bruce.
Named sort of after the bat (get the connection?) and sort of because, well, he looks like a Bruce!
Bruce is still contained in the barn until he gets acclimated to his new surroundings, I am afraid he will just take off if we let him loose before he calms down from his car ride.
He is chatty, scrappy, scared and very skinny. But so very handsome and loves to be petted!
His job title is “Captain Mouser”.
If he hangs around he will be taking another car ride very soon to the vet for some altering (another car trip I am sure he will not like)! I love how this photo shows how he felt about being caught and crated.
Well, life is calling.
Talk soon!