Instagram Love…
I. Love. Instagram. I realized that I am almost never posting here anymore, and that is because I have found a quick and easy [...]
I. Love. Instagram. I realized that I am almost never posting here anymore, and that is because I have found a quick and easy [...]
We love New Year around here... a new beginning, new goals... time to clean out the corners, rethink and reorganize our nest. And time for [...]
Autumn has arrived! The plants around the pond are turning gold and the Japanese maple is red. My girls are now ladies. So pretty and [...]
Our new puppy, Ruby, is just short of 8 weeks old and was in a kennel with her 12 brothers and sisters. Needless to say, [...]
Photo proof. Ruby caught and ate an entire mouse. Who needs barn cats?!
Meet Ruby. Ruby is our silly rogue hen, she simply cannot be contained. She hops all the fences and we gave up returning her [...]
The Peace of Wild ThingsBY WENDELL BERRYWhen despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what [...]
Hello, stinky piglets. Welcome to our farm!This morning Paul and I drove to our favorite breeder in Salem, OR and picked up six 7 week old [...]
We did it-- the pigs are here.They are equally cute and nasty.Stinky, slurpy, grunty, fuzzy babies.For now they are living in the garden area, with [...]
Our yard rabbit, Alton Brown, loves his chickens.When we let the hens out to run and play, he gets very excited and runs in circles around [...]