Instagram Love…
I. Love. Instagram. I realized that I am almost never posting here anymore, and that is because I have found a quick and easy [...]
I. Love. Instagram. I realized that I am almost never posting here anymore, and that is because I have found a quick and easy [...]
"This is an absolute necessity for anybody today. You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don’t know [...]
Life around here, January 2014 Fog in the orchard. Love how it shows just how craggly and awesome our old, old apple trees are. Paul [...]
Autumn has arrived! The plants around the pond are turning gold and the Japanese maple is red. My girls are now ladies. So pretty and [...]
We love summer.Love love love.Here are some recent shots of life around here lately~~~~~~~~Paul has been working with the hives. We had a swarm move into [...]
Lately I have been focusing more on being present, being with my kids.Enjoying our farm and our schedule. Embracing (and ignoring) the messy parts. Accepting. Absorbing.I [...]